The past three weeks feels like a blur, it just vaporized. Do you feel the same way?
After the flurry of legislation, procedures, memos, bulletins, and more, this coming week should be a little quieter on the regulatory front. But we all still have a lot of work to do in order to ensure our clients are obtaining the loan funds, stimulus checks, and protection from future IRS enforcement that they need. In that vein, we have a series of support webinars for you this week to help your clients.
PPP & EIDL FAQs. April 13, 10am PDT (1pm EDT). Last week, we presented three webinars on the PPP program, and the week prior three on the EIDL program. This week, Dan and I delve into the most Frequently Asked Questions about these programs. Join us for this 2-hour CPE webinar on Monday. 50% of your registration fee will be donated to the Central Brevard Sharing Center, the food bank near Dan’s office. Click here to register.
Pre-Resolution Case Action You Should Take During IRS Collection Suspension Period. April 14, 10am PDT (1pm EDT). Long name, amazingly awesome CPE! Seriously, this is going to be the most amazing CPE class of the year. We’re going to discuss the current suspension of IRS Collection activity, what that means for your existing clients, and how to take advantage of this gift of time. Time to get your client “fixed”. Time to get them current and compliant. Time to do all the things necessary to get them on the path for success. What are those things? Register here to find out. 1 CE/CPE hour for both EAs and CPAs.
The Top 3 Tax Resolution Marketing Strategies. April 15, 10am PDT / 1pm EDT. Another magical benefit of the Collection suspension period…another gift from the government due to the extension of filing season…one positive aspect of being forced to work from the seclusion of your basement at 2am… The opportunity to finally focus in on your lead generation marketing. Revised and updated with important details for marketing in the current economic crisis, this complimentary webinar (no CPE) will show you how to utilize the “time bonus” you’ve been given to most effectively generate new tax resolution clients. This class, much like a good cheese and wine combination, pairs well with the the Tuesday pre-resolution actions class. Click here to get yo’ marketing on.
Weeeeeee’re baaaaack! Inside the IRM™: Investigation & Recommendation of the Trust Fund Recovery Penalty. April 16, 8am PDT / 11am EDT. After a 9-month hiatus (hmmmm…..), Inside the IRM™ is back and better than ever! OK, maybe not “better” — this is actually an updated repeat of our last episode back in September, but it’s important and highly relevant right now. This is an advanced class, and will take a deep dive into Internal Revenue Manual section 5.7 covering the IRS procedures for conducting pre-assessment investigations into whom to whack with the Trust Fund Recovery Penalty. This is important information to know if you represent 941 debtors, because there is guaranteed to be a surge in TFRP invesigations in Q4 of 2020 as part of the fallout from the current recessionary period. 2 CE/CPE hours for both EAs and CPAs. For a good time, register here.