Raising Fees – Why is it so hard?

Welcome to our exploration of a topic that many tax professionals and licensed practitioners often grapple with: raising fees. Despite the ever-present dynamics of inflation and market forces, numerous professionals find it incredibly challenging to increase their rates. In this post, we’ll dive into several key reasons behind this hesitation and examine how it affects your clients, profits, and overall psyche.

**Existing Clients vs. New Prospects**

One major distinction to keep in mind is the difference between existing clients and new prospects. Generally, it’s easier to raise fees for new clients than for those who have been with you for some time. Let’s start by discussing why increasing fees for existing clients can be so daunting.

**Fear of Losing Long-Term Clients**

The primary concern here is the fear of losing clients. Many professionals worry that a fee increase will drive away loyal long-term clients. This concern, while valid, is often overblown. Most clients understand that fees need to increase over time due to rising costs such as software upgrades, memberships, and staff salaries.

**Practicality and Perspective**

In practical terms, a reasonable fee increase of 3-10% is often barely noticeable to most clients. For example, raising fees by 3-5% annually allowed me to retain 98% of my clients during my 14 years of practice. More importantly, the clients who stayed valued the quality of service even with the increased fees.

**Client Loyalty and Economic Sensitivity**

Another factor is client loyalty. Long-term clients might feel unfairly treated with a fee hike, but the reality is that loyalty is not easily broken by marginal increases. Economic sensitivity is another concern; professionals hesitate to raise fees for fear that clients can’t afford them. However, economic conditions on tax returns don’t always represent the clients’ full financial scenario.

**Valuing Your Services**

Not raising your fees may inadvertently undervalue your services. Lack of confidence in the value you bring can make fee increases seem daunting. Yet, charging higher fees often enhances the perceived value and worth of your services.

**Consistency and Predictability**

While maintaining steady fees provides a predictable experience for clients, small, gradual increases can condition them to expect and accept changes. This method helps avoid larger, more shocking increases down the line.

**Fear of Negative Feedback**

The fear of negative feedback also plays a role. While some clients may complain, the impact is generally minimal if you provide excellent service. Occasionally, you might lose a few clients, but those … Continue reading

30-Day Marketing Calendar: A Game-Changer for Your Tax Practice

In the fast-paced world of tax representation, staying organized and proactive is crucial. A 30-day marketing calendar can be a game-changer for licensed tax professionals specializing in IRS representation. This structured approach not only helps you attract clients who have received IRS notices, owe money, or are facing an audit but also ensures that your marketing efforts are consistent and effective.

Why Use a 30-Day Marketing Calendar?

A marketing calendar is essential for several reasons. Firstly, it helps you identify and prioritize your marketing activities, ensuring that you focus on tasks that will have the most significant impact. By planning ahead, you can avoid last-minute rushes and ensure that your marketing messages are timely and relevant. According to research, marketers who plan their activities are three times more likely to report success than those who don’t. Secondly, a marketing calendar encourages proactivity. When you have a clear schedule of upcoming activities, you’re less likely to be caught off guard by deadlines or important dates. This allows you to space out your tasks, meet your deadlines comfortably, and avoid the stress of last-minute work.

Benefits of a 30-Day Marketing Calendar

  1. Improved Organization: A marketing calendar helps you keep track of all your marketing activities in one place. This makes it easier to manage your time and resources effectively.
  2. Consistent Messaging: By planning your content in advance, you can ensure that your marketing messages are consistent across all channels. This helps build your brand and establish your expertise.
  3. Better Quality Clients: A well-executed marketing plan attracts clients who are genuinely in need of your services. By targeting your marketing efforts, you can attract clients who are more likely to convert and benefit from your expertise.
  4. Time Efficiency: With a clear plan in place, you can streamline your marketing efforts and avoid wasting time on ad-hoc activities. This allows you to focus on delivering high-quality services to your clients.

How to Use the Calendar Effectively

To make the most of your 30-day marketing calendar, start by reviewing the entire plan and customizing it to fit your specific needs. Assign responsibilities to team members and set clear deadlines for each task. Regularly update the calendar and track your progress, making adjustments as necessary. Flexibility is key – while the calendar provides a framework, be prepared to adapt to changing circumstances or opportunities that may arise.

Repurposing Content for Maximum Impact

One of the most effective ways to … Continue reading

The Tax Pro’s Guide to Pricing Like a Pro: Straight from the Coach’s Mouth

Let’s huddle up! It’s time we had a serious talk about pricing your services. I often get comments from tax pros that one of their biggest downfalls is not charging enough for their services. I get it. I was there once as well. When I first opened my firm, I was charging low fees. Then I started working with a coach, another licensed tax pro who has been there, and he helped me see that I could do more and be more than I thought I was. With that, I put this together to help you achieve more by charging more.
You’ve put in the hard work to become licensed professionals, mastering the complexities of tax law and IRS procedures. You have spent countless hours rubbing elbows and schmoozing at events and NOW it’s time to make sure you’re getting paid what you’re worth. Let’s break down how to price your services for all of the various services you provide and while we are at it, I want to pump up your confidence to charge what you deserve.
Boosting Your Self-Esteem
Now, I know some of you might be thinking, “Coach, those rates seem high. I’m not sure I can charge that much.” Listen up, because this is important: You are a professional with specialized knowledge and skills. You have the power to significantly impact your clients’ financial lives. It’s time to start seeing yourself the way your clients see you – as an expert they can trust. Oh, and if you are a book author, have a YouTube channel, become a speaker, and/or have a podcast, this can elevate your authority (and along with it your value). Please don’t sell yourself short.
Here are some tips to boost your confidence:
  1. Celebrate your wins. Every successful resolution, every audit navigated, every tax return that saves your client money – these are victories. Acknowledge them and let them fuel your confidence.
  2. Continuously educate yourself. The more you know, the more confident you’ll feel in your abilities. Stay up-to-date on tax law changes, tips and tricks and best practices.
  3. Network with other professionals. Surrounding yourself with successful peers can help you see what’s possible and give you the courage to raise your own standards.
  4. Focus on the value you provide. Don’t think about the hourly rate – think about the peace of mind, financial savings, and expert guidance you’re offering your clients. (i.e. the benefits of what
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