If you don’t have a CTA in your marketing you might as well be burning your money!

In the thrilling world of taxes (yes, you heard that right – thrilling), there’s a secret weapon that can transform your marketing from “just another tax service” to “the tax warrior we need”. That weapon? The mighty Call to Action (CTA). Let’s dive into why this is a game-changer for those dealing with IRS collections or exam prospects and how you can use it to your advantage.

First, a quick refresher: a CTA is like that friend who tells you to stop pondering over the menu and just order the cheesecake already. It’s a direct instruction that encourages your potential clients to take immediate action. In tax lingo, it’s the difference between a prospect saying, “Hmm, interesting service” and “Take my money, you tax wizard!”

Why CTAs are as Important as Your Calculator:

  1. Grabs Attention: In the vast ocean of tax professionals, a well-crafted CTA is like a lighthouse guiding ships (clients) to safety (your services).
  2. Generates Leads: A compelling CTA is like a magnet. It attracts prospects dealing with IRS collections or exams and turns them into leads faster than you can say “deduction.”
  3. Creates Urgency: With CTAs, you can inject a sense of urgency. “Contact us before the IRS knocks on your door!” is more compelling than “We deal with IRS stuff.”
  4. Guides Clients: A CTA acts like a GPS, directing your clients exactly where you want them to go – towards your services.
  5. Measurable Results: By tracking responses to your CTAs, you get real data, not just a hunch. It’s like knowing the exact amount of coffee you need to survive tax season.

CTA Examples for IRS Collections and Exam Prospects:

  1. For the Collection Fretters: Imagine a client, scared of the IRS collection process, stumbles upon your website. A CTA like “Schedule a Free Consultation to Tackle Your IRS Collections Woes!” can be the comforting hand they need. It’s like saying, “Don’t worry, I’ve got a black belt in dealing with the IRS.”
  2. For the Audit Panickers: Then there are those trembling at the thought of an IRS exam. A CTA such as “Click Here to see how we can reduce the damage of that IRS Audit!” acts like a warrior’s shield, making them feel protected and ready to face their fears.

The Art of Crafting the Perfect CTA:

  1. Be Clear, Not Cryptic: Your CTA should be as clear as the fact that taxes are inevitable. Avoid jargon and be straightforward.
  2. Create
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How to Ask Your Clients for a Review or Testimonial: A Fun Guide for Tax Pros

It’s time to talk about something that can be as tricky as explaining the alternative minimum tax to a new client: asking for reviews and testimonials. Don’t worry, though. We’ve got some tips to make it as easy as pie (or as easy as a 1040-EZ, at least).

1. Timing is Everything

Just like you wouldn’t ask for dessert at the beginning of a meal, timing your request for a review is crucial. The best time is right after you’ve successfully navigated the stormy seas of the IRS on their behalf. Their relief and gratitude make this the perfect moment to ask. When they are happy and express their feelings of gratitude toward you and your staff, that is the best time to ask.

2. Keep It Simple

Let’s face it, tax talk can be complex. But asking for a review? That should be simple. Try something like, “Hey, if you feel like we’ve done a great job, would you mind sharing your experience online? It really helps us out.” Straightforward and to the point, like a well-organized spreadsheet.

3. Options, Options, Options

Some clients are tech-savvy, some prefer the good old pen and paper, and some might just be naturals in front of a camera. Offer various options:

  • Google My Business: For the digital aficionados. It’s quick, it’s easy, and it’s great for your online presence. Plus, who doesn’t love a five-star rating? Send them a link in an email to make it easy.
  • Video Testimonials: For the Spielberg wannabes. A short video can be a powerful way to capture emotion and enthusiasm. Plus, it’s a chance for them to be a star!
  • Written Testimonials: Old school but gold. Written testimonials are timeless and can be used in multiple ways, from your website to your office wall.
  • Text Reviews: For the modern, on-the-go client. A quick text message can be an easy way for them to give a thumbs up.
  • Oh, and don’t forget to ask if you can use any of these in your marketing!

4. Show Examples

Sometimes clients need a little inspiration. Show them some stellar examples of reviews or testimonials you’ve received in the past. It’s like showing them a perfect tax return as a model. Don’t be afraid to write it for them. Send it to them and ask if they like it or they can edit it as they deem fit. Also, ask them

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Grow mentally, physically or spiritually by becoming a streaker!

No, not that kind of streaker. You know, the kind someone (hopefully not you) did in college on a dare. The kind that can be an even more exciting concept that can transform your life. It is called Postive Behavioral Streaks (PBS). Imagine if every time you completed a task, you got a gold star, just like in kindergarten. Sounds fun, right? Well, that’s the essence of PBS, a simple yet powerful tool to grow mentally, physically, and spiritually. I found that being a concrete, sequential tax professional (aka a little OCD), streaks help me accomplish more in a short period of time.

Understanding PBS: The Gold Star System for Grown-Ups

Positive Behavioral Streaks work on a simple principle: consistency is key. It’s about creating a chain of positive actions and keeping it going. Each day you complete a task, you get a virtual (or real, if you’re into crafts) gold star. The aim? Don’t break the chain. It’s like playing a game where the prize is a better you! Here are some things you can create a streak for as a tax professional that will help you either personally, in your business or both.

Mentally: Turn Your Brain into a Knowledge Sponge

Let’s start with mental growth. Ever wanted to be that person who knows a little about everything? PBS makes it possible.

  1. Book Worming: Set a goal to read, say, 10 pages a day. Each day you do, give yourself a star. Soon, you’ll have devoured books on topics from astrophysics to zen gardening.
  2. Writing Buff: If writing is your thing, commit to writing a daily blog post or email. It could be about anything: your cat’s philosophical musings, new tax tips for your clients or how to stay out of trouble with the IRS. Star it up!
  3. Podcast Power Hour: Listen to a podcast episode each day. From marketing tips, new tax ideas, to running a business, there’s a podcast for everything. You might not learn a lot, but you might learn one new nugget of information, look at some concept from a different angle that will help you explain things better to clients or just might inspire some great idea.

Physically: From Couch Potato to Fitness Fries

Now, let’s get physical, and no, I don’t mean an Olivia Newton-John workout tape.

  1. 10-Minute Movement: Commit to 10 minutes of exercise daily. It could be yoga, a brisk walk,
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