Productivity Part Deux – Conquer Time and Give yourself a Boost

Welcome champions of the tax code! Back by popular demand (or because I just have more wisdom to share), here’s a few more tips to help you slay the productivity dragon. Let’s turn your office into a well-oiled, tax-filing, time-saving machine with a sprinkle of fun and a dash of wit.

1. “Batch Processing” – The Culinary Art of Tax Work Picture yourself as a master chef in a gourmet kitchen. Just as a chef wouldn’t cook one dish at a time, you shouldn’t handle tasks one by one. Enter the world of “batch processing.” Group similar tasks together and tackle them in dedicated time slots. Answer emails in one go, set aside time for all client calls, and process filings in batches. It’s like meal-prepping, but for taxes. You’ll be amazed how much time you save when you’re not constantly switching gears. Plus, who doesn’t like feeling like a tax Gordon Ramsay?

2. “Early Bird or Night Owl?” – Harness Your Prime Time Are you a morning lark, singing the sweet songs of deductions at dawn? Or are you a night owl, wise to the ways of tax wizardry under the moonlight or candlelight? Identify when you’re most productive and schedule your biggest and most challenging tasks during these hours. Using your peak hours effectively is like catching the express train in rush hour – you get to your destination faster and smarter. So, brew that coffee or pour that late-night tea (without caffeine, not good for your sleep time), and make magic in your prime time. Oh, and don’t do the batched tasks you identified in #1 above during these times. This would be a waste of your Prime Time.

3. “The Magic of ‘One Touch’” – Touch It, Tackle It, Triumph! In the mystical realm of tax filing, there lies an ancient secret: the “One Touch” rule. The idea is simple yet powerful – touch a task once and complete it. Got an email that needs a quick reply? Do it now (in conjunction with #1). A form that needs a quick review? Don’t put it off. By applying the “One Touch” rule, you avoid the black hole of procrastination and the vortex of time-wasting. It’s like defeating the boss monster in one epic move. Game over, inefficiency! This is one of my difficulties, but I am working to beat this one.

4. “The Zen of Saying ‘Later’” – The Artful Skill Continue reading

Let the fun begin! Tax season is here! Turbocharge your Productivity!

Hey there, fellow number crunchers and tax titans! Let’s face it: in the world of tax professionals, time is not just money – it’s everything. But how do you make the most of it, especially when tax season turns your office into a scene from “The Fast and the Furious”? Fear not! I’ve got some incredibly useful tips to help you turbocharge your productivity. Ready to dive in?

1. Embrace the Power of “No” – The Ultimate Productivity Hack Yes, you heard me right. “No” is your new best friend. In the world of tax, where everyone wants a piece of your time, learning to say no is like discovering a secret productivity potion. Think of it as your personal shield against the endless barrage of time-sucking requests. “Can you look at this real quick?” Nope. “Do you have a minute to chat about something off-topic?” Nada. Remember, every time you say no to distractions, you say yes to productivity. It’s not rude; it’s smart!

2. Automate Like a Boss (Because You Are One) You’re a tax pro, not a robot, so why spend your precious hours on tasks that a machine could do? Automating repetitive tasks is like hiring a team of invisible minions to do your bidding. Use software for tasks like sorting and writing emails, managing appointments, or even automate some tasks. It’s 2024, and if your software isn’t doing half your job yet, you’re living in the tax Stone Age. Embrace technology and watch your productivity soar higher than a taxpayer’s blood pressure in April.

3. The Pomodoro Technique – Your New Time-Management BFF Meet Pomodoro, not the tomato, but a technique that’s about to revolutionize your work life. Here’s the gist: you work for 25 minutes straight, then break for 5. Repeat. It’s like high-intensity interval training, but for your brain. This method keeps you fresh, focused, and fast. Plus, racing against the clock adds a fun, game-like element to your day. Who knew tax work could feel like a thrilling sprint?

4. Tidy Desk, Tidy Mind – Unclutter to Unleash Productivity An organized workspace isn’t just for Instagram-worthy office shots; it’s a productivity powerhouse. A cluttered desk can clutter your mind, and before you know it, you’re spending more time searching for that elusive document than actually working on it. So, channel your inner Marie Kondo and make tidying up a ritual. A clear desk equals a clear mind, … Continue reading

IRS going paperless will help tax pros do their jobs better in the future

The IRS is planning on going paperless, as best as they can, starting in 2024. What does that mean for tax professionals? Well, it means a few things. First, the IRS will be able to do more with less. This allows them to shift employees to other tasks, such as manning more phone lines. Or even better, manning a digital account access point. You will able to access more through your Tax Pro Online account and you will be able to see and do more through your electronic access without involving a human being.

Below is a list of what the future will look like at the IRS and you can see, guess or infer what that will me for you as a tax professional in the areas of tax preparation, tax resolution representation and IRS exam representation.

Filing season 2024: Taxpayers will be able to go paperless

  • Taxpayers will be able to digitally submit all correspondence, non-tax forms, and responses to notices; as a result, the IRS estimates more than 94% of individual taxpayers will no longer ever need to send mail to the IRS. Taxpayers use non-tax forms to request or submit information on a range of topics, including identity theft and proof that they are eligible for key credits and deductions to help low-income households. Achieving this milestone will enable up to 125 million paper documents to be submitted digitally per year. Taxpayers who want to submit paper returns and correspondence can continue to do so.
  • Taxpayers will be able to e-file 20 additional tax forms. Achieving this milestone will enable up to 4 million additional tax documents to be filed digitally every year. This includes amendments to Forms 940, 941, 941-SS and 941 (PR), which are some of the most common forms taxpayers file when amending returns.
  • At least 20 of the most used non-tax forms will be available in digital, mobile friendly formats that make them easy for taxpayers to complete and submit. These forms will include a Request for Taxpayer Advocate Service Assistance, making it easier for taxpayers to get the help they need.

Filing season 2025: IRS achieves paperless processing for tax returns

  • By filing season 2025, an additional 150 of the most used non-tax forms will be available in digital, mobile friendly formats. An estimated 15 percent of Americans rely solely on mobile phones for their Internet access—they do not have broadband at home—and making forms available
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