The cure for any revenue problem is simply to increase revenue. The more revenue flowing into your tax practice, the better things in general tend to be for everybody at your firm.
In order to get more revenue flowing into your practice, you must add more value to the world.
What does this mean, “add more value to the world”?
You add more value to the world when you make solve more people’s tax and accounting problems. When you give somebody a solution to a problem that keeps them awake at night, they happily pay you money for doing so.
In order to solve more people’s tax and accounting problems, they need to be made aware of the fact that there actually exists a solution to their problem. You need to make them aware of that solution. Also, realize that most people are a bit stubborn, and resistant to change. So, you need to tell them multiple times that there is a solution to their problem.
Because marketing isn’t a one-shot game, and you should be receiving marketing support on an ongoing basis, I have decided to make some drastic changes to how our programs here at Tax Marketing HQ are structured.
While our comprehensive systems courses and marketing toolkits will still be available individually, as will the new subject-specific courses we create each month (such as last month’s Direct Response Marketing course), we are also making that course content available through our new premium membership plans.
These new premium membership plans are an outgrowth of this daily newsletter, merged with our tax lien data subscriptions, and enhanced with the marketing plans, ready to use marketing templates, and other resources you need to grow your practice.
Where is this coming from? So many tax practitioners have asked me to either take over their marketing entirely, or to bundle different pieces of our bigger courses together just for them, that I started seeing the need. Many readers of this newsletter need more than just mailing lists — they need ready-made marketing pieces, very specific “how to” instructions for getting their message out, assistance evaluating tax resolution cases, or want their marketing done completely for them and they just take the phone calls.
Depending upon the membership level you choose, here are just some of the new benefits available to members:
- Monthly premium marketing newsletter
- Monthly tax lien download credits
- Access to new ready-made marketing pieces each month
- Free access to our new subject-specific marketing courses each month
- Access to our entire library of marketing pieces, checklists, and tax resolution letters
- A “Done For Your” client newsletter for you to customize and mail to your clients and prospects each month
- Access to program modules from our larger tax resolution and marketing courses
This is just the tip of the iceberg, and we will be adding more members benefits over the next several months, as well. For a full list of membership benefits and pricing, visit the membership plan page.
Remember, long term financial success in your tax practice requires more than just hit or miss marketing. It requires a long term plan, and this change in our business plan is my commitment to you to be by your side for the long term success of your tax practice.