Step 1: Marketing
Step 2: ?
Step 3: Profit!
See, it’s sooo easy to build a profitable tax firm!
Of course, the devil is in the details.
For IRS Collection cases, there are a bunch of steps that need to be taken after a client hires you. The bulk of the work you do for the client is “front loaded” in the first two weeks. The generic progression of a tax resolution case looks like this:
1. Tax module research
2. Client financial analysis
3. Determine resolution options
4. Negotiate with the IRS
5. Go to Appeals (if necessary)
6. Seek penalty abatement (if applicable)
7. Withdraw or offer POA Monitoring
Those first three steps — that’s the bulk of the two weeks I just mentioned. But even those three steps can themselves be broken down into dozens of additional steps.
Collectively, I label this early part of a Collection engagement as the “Client Intake” phase. It includes everything from filing your 2848 with the CAF unit to verifying client contact info in your CRM system to making sure you get paid to requesting a Collection hold from the Service to requesting a Form 9297 from the Revenue Officer — and much, much more.
If you’re interested in getting into the weeds on these nitty-gritty details of client intake and early resolution steps, you’re invited to join me this coming Friday for a 2-hour CE/CPE webinar on this topic. When you attend, you’ll receive copies of my actual checklists for getting this all done and making sure I never missed an important step.
This class is CTR-104 in our ongoing CTR™ curriculum. Tax Resolution Academy® members can register for this class from the “Events” calendar inside the online community. But if you’re not an Academy member, you can still attend this individual class. Go here to register:
Here’s to efficiency via checklists,
~Jassen Bowman, EA, CTR™