You made it.
Day 30.
Pat yourself on the back, my friend.
Over the course of the past thirty days, even if you haven’t completed all the tasks, you’ve accomplished more to move your practice forward than 99% of your colleagues in private practice.
I want you to reflect upon this accomplishment. Soak it up. Feel free to be a little smug about it, even!
With that smug sense of satisfaction in hand, let’s move on to today’s challenge task: Creating your new Daily/Weekly Marketing Checklist.
During this challenge, you’ve surely seen tasks that you thumbed your nose at. You may have seen tasks that gave you so much anxiety that you would never touch them with a ten foot pole. But hopefully, you also saw tasks that you had fun with, that you were excited to engage in. All the tactics work, but there’s a broad continuum of the marketing tasks that you are and are not willing to do on a regular basis.
For example, I hate being on camera. Absolutely despise it. You can count on one hand the number of on-camera appearances I’ve made on my various YouTube channels, and I also rarely post to those channels. I know that I should do more with YouTube, but I just can’t get over my abhorrence to being on camera. As such, video marketing just isn’t a regular part of my marketing matrix.
You need to be honest with yourself about what you’re willing to do on a consistent basis. This is part of the business success process that most “gurus” either don’t understand or intentionally gloss over, but it’s a vitally important part of the equation.
So today, I want you to reflect back upon the tasks in this 30-day tax resolution marketing challenge. Catalog them all, and assign them one of three markers. Perhaps mark them as either coolio, meh, or nope. Or maybe use loved it!, so-so, or that sucked!. Yes, no, maybe probably also works. Whatever terminology floats your dinghy.
After assigning these “tags”, take the tasks that you were fondest about, the love it! list, and write them out together.
Congratulations, comrade, you just wrote a marketing checklist.
Some tasks are best suited to a weekly schedule, whereas some can be done daily. Assign the weekly tasks to a day each week on your calendar. Enter the daily tasks to a specific time slot.
Then, stick to schedule.
One of the most frequently asked questions I get from practitioners is, “What do I need to do in order to run my practice from a beach like you used to do?”
This. This is what you do. Find a small number of marketing tasks that you can commit to doing on a frequent, scheduled basis, and then just do them. Week in, week out.
Seriously, that’s the secret to success, at least with 941 tax resolution. This is how I grew my own tax firm, and it’s how you’ll grow yours.