How I get inbound tax resolution leads with no marketing

In a typical week, I get at least one, and sometimes as many as three or four, people contacting me completely out of the blue that are telling me that they think I’m the best person to help them with their tax problem and wanting to hire me.

These are folks that I’ve never talked to before, never marketed to before, never had any one on one contact with at all. But they’re reaching out to me, with their checkbook open.

How is this possible?

It’s actually quite simple: I took the time to establish myself as an expert.

Never forget that people do business with other people that they know, like, and trust. This is the single most important thing you can ever learn about running a service business. Period.

Establishing yourself as an expert, as the go-to person in your area or specialization, you automatically build credibility. Providing ways for people to get to know you, even if you never actually speak to them, builds on this. Over time, people that know you will get to like you and trust you (assuming you’re likable and trustworthy, of course).

People get to know you via the content that you produce. On my tax firm web sites, I provide a ton of free or extremely low-cost information for people, including how to negotiate their own Installment Agreements and how to draft their penalty abatement applications. I also provide pointers to appropriate IRS resources and other information that can help them.

This material costs me nothing but time in order to create. After the initial creation of a few backlinks to those sites via press releases, articles, or videos I post elsewhere ,I do no further active promotion of those sites, I just let Google and Bing find them on their own and determine whether they are worth including in search results or not. I don’t try to “game” the search engines, and I update the sites far less frequently than the so-called SEO “experts” say that I should.

It also helps that a little over a year ago, I took the time to write a short book and self-publish it on Amazon. That book is now one of the best selling books on Amazon on the subject of settling tax debts. The end of every chapter includes a call to action referring back to my primary practice web site, which offers additional resources. … Continue reading

Cheapest Tax States To Reside In

Choosing to reside in a state with low tax rates can be an effective way to reduce your cost of living, often by a double digit percentage. State taxes come in a variety of forms, including income, sales, real estate, and personal property taxes. All states charge at least one of these taxes, and most charge all four to varying degrees. Your lifestyle will often dictate which type of tax is most critical for consideration when evaluating where to live. In this article, I’m going to present four states that offer different tax benefits for residents.

Alaska has the lowest overall tax burden per resident of any state in the Union. Alaska is one of only two states that has neither a state income tax nor a state sales tax. Local municipalities in Alaska are allowed to levy their own local sales taxes, which can be as high as 7.5 percent, although many towns do not levy a sales tax. Alaskan property taxes are on par with the national average. Because of oil revenues to the state, Alaska is the only state that actually pays residents for living there. Alaska Permanent Fund Dividends vary each year, and were $878 per eligible resident in 2012.

New Hampshire
New Hampshire is the other state with no state sales tax and no state tax on ordinary income. The state does levy a tax on dividends and capital gains, so individuals who earn a large portion of their income from these sources should take this into consideration. Local municipalities in New Hampshire do not have sales tax, but New Hampshire’s state and local property taxes are the highest in the United States. Therefore, New Hampshire can be a zero tax state if you are a wage earner and do not own property.

South Dakota
While South Dakota does levy a 4 percent state sales tax, and local municipalities may also levy sales taxes, South Dakota has the second lowest overall tax burden for residents of any state. This is primarily because of the lack of a state income tax, and some of the lowest personal property taxes in the country. However, while real property tax rates exceed New York state’s, low property values statewide keep the actual property tax bills low. South Dakota is one of the most popular residency states for full time RVers that don’t own real estate, and is growing in popularity as a “tax … Continue reading

Bankruptcy vs IRS Offer in Compromise

If you have a large amount of other debt besides just tax debt, bankruptcy may be an option you end up considering. Is this the right thing to do when you have tax liabilities?

For some people, bankruptcy can be the right way to go. While bankruptcy will not erase most tax debt, the bankruptcy court determines what you pay each creditor, and may remove some of the penalties and interest, depending on the case.

The interest rate that the IRS charges, to be honest, isn’t that bad. The rate is adjusted several times per year, and it currently sits at 4%. What kills people are actually the penalties. It is not uncommon for tax debtors to max out all their penalties, which tacks on a whopping 45.5% to their principal, and THEN interest accrues on the whole thing.

To determine whether bankruptcy is the best route for you, you should consult with a bankruptcy attorney. If all you have is IRS debt, and don’t have significant other creditors and/or don’t want the bad credit associated with bankruptcy, but you cannot otherwise go on a monthly payment plan, then consider an Offer in Compromise with the IRS. It’s a good non-bankruptcy alternative for folks that might otherwise have no other choice but to file Chapter 7, but would only be filing chapter 7 because of their IRS debt.

If you do choose to file for bankruptcy, it’s important to have a contingency plan for those taxes that cannot be discharged. For example, Trust Fund Recovery Penalty assessments, property taxes, and sales taxes will not generally be flushed in a Chapter 7. So, if your tax liability consists of those tax types, you need to be looking at other options.

Personal income taxes (1040 taxes) can be discharged in bankruptcy if they meet certain criteria. In general, income taxes must be at least three years old to be discharged in bankruptcy, and the tax return on those tax debts must have been filed at least two years ago. So, if you haven’t filed the actual tax returns that will incur the tax debt you want to discharge in bankruptcy, you’re going to have to file the returns and then wait two years.

Filing bankruptcy is obviously not a decision to be taken lightly, and you must consider the tax debt implications of doing so. However, bankruptcy isn’t nearly as bad of a thing to go through … Continue reading