What have you accomplished this week so far to grow your firm or move everything forward? Do you have any of the following on your list and where do you stand with them?
• Hiring or firing a client
• Hiring or firing an employee
• Writing your first (or next) book
• Created your marketing calendar
• Setup your internal systems in a written form (either paper or some online service/software
• Looked at leveraging some new software to create a workflow or efficiency in some process that bogs down your office
• Setup engagement letters for next year
• Purchased your tax software for 2021 tax returns
This is the audience participation part. Let me know where you stand. I know it is difficult sometimes. I am a CPA and a tax firm owner.
I want to help you, if I can, as I know one is the loneliest number, especially for a tax pro. You do not need to remain on your own island.