Introducing the Only Comprehensive Marketing Training Course, Complete With Every Marketing Piece You Will Ever Need, For Rapidly Transforming Your Tax Resolution Practice Into a Dominating, Lead Generation Machine That Will Eat Your Competition Alive
You can be the most educated CPA on the planet.
You can have a wall full of degrees from the fanciest Ivy League institutions.
You can have a river of alphabet soup after your name proclaiming all the certifications and designations you’ve earned.
But without clients, you’re still going to starve.
If you are in private practice, there is no single skill that is nearly as important as your ability to market yourself. Nothing else matters if you can’t get paying clients in the door.
Lead generation is the single most important function that ANY business EVER does. Without people to talk to about your tax and accounting services, there is no business.
The Tax Resolution Marketing Toolkit is the first and only marketing course in existence that is tailored specifically to the tax resolution industry. This comprehensive course provides you a system for marketing your practice, as well as every necessary marketing piece for building a successful tax resolution practice.
A strong foundation in marketing theory
To start with, this course assumes that you know absolutely nothing about marketing. If you took marketing classes in college, then I would actually encourage you to dump everything you think you learned — because it was probably wrong when applied to a real-world business. In this course, you will learn the following:
- An overview of the most important direct marketing concepts.
- The two major direct marketing focuses of your practice.
- The value of a list.
- Using niches to market your practice more efficiently.
- 4 ways to build your tax practice via offline networking.
- 7 ways to build your tax firm online without breaking the bank.
- 3 ways to make your lead generation pay for itself.
- Indirect marketing using special reports.
- 5 ways to outsource your marketing.
- Growing your firm through joint venture opportunities.
- 4 ways to cultivate new and repeat business from your client and prospect lists.
You’re going to receive a comprehensive education in marketing fundamentals — proven direct response marketing principles that have been proven over and over for decades.
Writing ads and letters that sell…
On top of a strong marketing education, you’re also going to receive a solid education in the art of copywriting – the process of creating effective, compelling marketing pieces that will get people to call you.
In our copywriting course for tax and accounting professionals, you’ll learn:
- How to write attention-grabbing headlines
- What you can learn from looking at the marketing of other firms
- A simple formula for creating an effective marketing piece that actually gets responses
- How to use “widgets” to generate leads for long-term follow up.
- How to get people to contact you NOW, rather than in six months
- The single biggest mistake that accountants make in their marketing that costs them clients
A Complete Library of Tax Resolution Marketing Pieces
To top it all off, you’re going to receive a complete library of marketing pieces you can use in your own practice. This library consists of dozens of:
- Letters
- Scripts
- Postcards
- Flyers
- Display ads
- Internet articles
- Complete marketing plans
- Radio ads
- Press releases
- …and more!
You will have full license to modify these materials to your need, and use them in your own practice. These are tested and proven marketing pieces, used by successful tax resolution companies across the country.
Assembling this level of marketing expertise to grow your tax resolution practice in one spot would easily cost you $5,000 in training courses and seminars. Hiring a copywriter and marketing consulting firm to create the marketing pieces would cost you an additional $30,000 to $45,000.
Take that money and invest in actually DOING marketing to grow your tax resolution practice. Your investment in the Tax Resolution Academy Champions membership is only $299.99 per month.
To receive instant, online access to this entire course, plus the entire library of marketing pieces, simply click the order button below to be taken to our secure payment processor.