Tax Pro Academy, LLC Administrative Policies For CPE Credit
Course Completion Timeframe
Record Retention
- Course taken
- Instructor’s name, credentials, and contact information
- Course author’s name, credentials, and contact information
- Hours granted
- Date completed
- Location of seminar
- Name of studentCopies of sign in sheets
- Address and contact information for student
Refund Policy
Program Cancellation
If a program is cancelled for any reason, the student will be notified immediately by email and a full refund will be issued.
Group Live Attendance Monitoring Policy
- In accordance with IRS standards, several State Boards of Accountancy, and NASBA standards, Tax Pro Academy, LLC monitors CPA attendance at Group Live CPE events as follows:
- All attendees will be required to sign in and sign out of the classroom whenever they enter or leave, with the exception of scheduled breaks.
- Attendees will sign in and out by indicating the time and providing a signature.
- A Tax Pro Academy, LLC staff member will physically monitor the sign in/out sheet, and make note of any absences, late arrivals, or late returns from breaks against the event registration list.
- Prior to issuance of any Certificate of Completion, attendee CPE hours will be adjusted to reflect actual attendance in .5 CPE credit hour increments.
- Attendees must attend at least 50 minutes of any program designed as a 1.5 CPE hour or longer course in order to receive the minimum 1 CPE hour of credit.
- Attendees that fail to properly attend the full 50 minutes of a 1 CPE hour course will not be granted any course credit.
- Sign in sheets and adjustment logs will be maintained for a period of at least 5 years.
Group Live Attendance Monitoring Policy
In accordance with IRS standards, several State Boards of Accountancy, and NASBA standards, Tax Pro Academy, LLC monitors CPA attendance at Group Internet Based CPE events as follows:
All attendees will be required to register with their full name and email address. A unique access link to join the Group Internet session will be emailed to the registered email address, and this link must be used to access the training session.
Based on this unique access link, actual time of attendance will be tracked by the online system to ensure that attendees stay logged in for the necessary amount of time to receive CPE credit.
In addition, polling questions will be displayed periodically throughout the session, at a minimum rate of 3 polls per CPE hour, or 2 per half CPE hour.
Attendees must respond to these minimum polling questions in order to receive credit. Attendees that do not respond to the polling questions or do not remain logged in for the required amount of time will not be award CPE credit.
Course Update Policy
Live seminars are continuously updated to incorporate new tax laws, revenue procedures, IRM updates, tax court rulings, new auditing or accounting standards, and other technical updates. All courses will be updated at least annually